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    Release Notes

    Here you can find a detailed list of features, improvements, and fixes from the latest version of Store Manager for Shopify.

    Win v.2024.7.0.233 / Mac v.2024.7.235

    July 7, 2024
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore the new improvements it brings below and download the new version for Windows 2024.7.0.233 and macOS 2024.7.235
    New Feature:
    • Now, product data can be modified using expression formulae in Mass Changer and Variant Bulk Editor.
    • A possibility to update all products in the store at once via Mass Changer has been added.
    • An issue with selecting and specifying a category for a product has been corrected.
    • Product update via Mass Changer now works errorlessly in the macOS version of Store Manager.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with new possibilities. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2024.6.1.221 / Mac v.2024.6.223

    April 11, 2024
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore the new improvements it brings below and download the new version for Windows 2024.6.1.221 and macOS 2024.6.223
    • From now on, product descriptions and meta descriptions can be generated in bulk via Mass Product Changer with the help of ChatGPT.
    • UX improvements have been added.
    • Images added to a product from the existing ones are correctly displayed in the Store Manager.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with new possibilities. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2024.6.0.215 / Mac v.2024.6.217

    April 11, 2024
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore the new improvements it brings below and download the new version for Windows 2024.6.0.215 and macOS 2024.6.217
    • A possibility to edit the “Incoming”, “On Hand”, “Committed”, “Unavailable” inventory fields of products has been added.
    • An issue with the “Stop generating” button in the “Result” window in the ChatGPT tool has been fixed.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with new possibilities. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2024.5.0.201 / Mac v.2024.5.203

    April 11, 2024
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore the new improvements it brings below and download the new version for Windows 2024.5.0.201 and macOS 2024.5.203
    • The transition to Shopify API 2024-04 has been made.
    • Starting from this version, it is possible to assign/change a category for a product manually and via import.
    • The Store Manager ChatGPT tool now supports ChatGPT-4o і GPT-4 Turbo.
    • UX improvements have been added.
    • In Mass Changer, an issue with opening the dropdown if all fields are filled has been fixed.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with new possibilities. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2024.4.0.191 / Mac v.2024.4.193

    April 11, 2024
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new improvements it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2024.4.0.191 and for macOS 2024.4.193
    New Feature:
    • From now on, there’s a possibility to use expression formulas during product import for data modification on the fly.
    • A possibility to specify the “Reason” when updating the product stock has been added.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with new possibilities. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2024.3.2.185 / Mac v.2024.3.187

    March 27, 2024
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new improvements it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2024.3.2.185 and for macOS 2024.3.187
    • A possibility to import products from an FTP where the file is located has been implemented.
    • Now, products can be imported from a file in the zip archive as well.
    • macOS 14 Sonoma support has been added.
    • An issue with a collapsing/expanding button in the side menu has been fixed.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2024.3.0.177 / Mac v.2024.3.179

    March 1, 2024
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new feature it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows and for macOS 2024.3.179
    New Feature:
    • ChatGPT functionality has been enriched with a PromptBook where users can add new prompts and edit existing ones. Also, now there’s a possibility to generate a Product SEO Description using ChatGPT.
    • Updating data from the store using the Refresh button has been optimized.
    • The list of countries for the “Country/Region of origin” product field has been updated.
    • ChatGPT prompt has been improved with new product macros.
    • UX/UI improvements have been implemented.
    • From now on, the tags are exported to a file without quotes.
    • An issue with closing Store Manager during an update, if the grid with products was refreshed before that has been fixed.
    • An issue with displaying values in the “Vendor”, “Tag”, and “Product type” dropdowns of the fields in the product filter, if a product grid refresh was performed before that has been fixed.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2024.2.0.167

    February 8, 2024
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new feature it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2024.2.0.167
    New Feature:
    • From now on, there’s a possibility to create automated tasks for Shopify product import via Task Scheduler in Store Manager for Windows.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2024.1.0.157 / Mac v.2024.1.159

    January 9, 2024
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new improvements and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows v.2024.1.0.157 and for macOS v.2024.1.159
    • A possibility to save and download product export and import configurations has been added.
    • UI/UX improvements have been implemented.
    • An error message that occurred when launching Import Wizard for uploading a file from an HTTP URL with an unchecked “First row in .csv file contains field names but not values” option has been fixed.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2023.12.0.151 / Mac-v.2023.12.153

    December 21, 2023
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new improvements and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows v.2023.12.0.151 and for macOS v.2023.12.153
    New Features:
    • A possibility to import products from HTTP URL to file has been implemented.
    • Now, Store Manager allows exporting selected products.
    • UI/UX improvements have been added.
    • Previously, a product deleted via the admin panel was still displayed in Store Manager. This inconvenience has been fixed.
    • An issue with displaying product tags after filling in other fields in the SEO&Tags tab has been eliminated.
    • The checkboxes in the macOS version are now displayed correctly.
    • An issue with displaying data in the CSV File Preview window at the step of product import has been amended.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2023.12.0.143 / Mac-v.2023.12.145

    December 05, 2023
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new feature and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2023.12.0.143 and for macOS 2023.12.145
    New Feature:
    • ChatGPT integration has been implemented. Now, there’s a possibility to generate short and long descriptions of the product, add or replace the existing ones using ChatGPT.
    • Now, tags with the “&” symbol are being displayed correctly.
    • An issue with fields and columns linking in the Import Wizard when there are unnamed columns in the .csv file has been fixed.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2023.11.0.135 / Mac-v.2023.11.137

    November 22, 2023
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new improvements and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2023.11.0.135 and for macOS 2023.11.137
    • A possibility to import images has been added in this release of Store Manager.
    • Now, users can choose the import file charset in Import Wizard.
    • New options for working with a product via context menu have been implemented.
    • An issue related to the display of collections deleted via the admin has been corrected.
    • An inconvenience related to editing Shop Location via the Available option in the Quantity tab of the variant window in Store Manager.
    • An issue with creating a product when no product was filtered has been fixed.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2023.10.0.127 / Mac-v.2023.10.129

    October 27, 2023
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new improvements and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2023.10.0.127 and for macOS 2023.10.129
    • A possibility to import products to Shopify has been implemented (import of images are scheduled for the the next release).
    Improvements and fixes:
    • Now, .heic images and .usdz 3D models can be added in Media via Store Manager.
    • Full screen mode is now preserved after expanding an application window from the taskbar.
    • An issue with creating a tag without a name has been fixed.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win v.2023.9.0.119 / Mac v.2023.9.121

    September 19, 2023
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new improvements and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2023.9.0.119 and for macOS 2023.9.121
    • Now, when creating a new product, it’s automatically assigned to the available sales channels.
    • The newly created product is now stocked at all locations by default.
    • Now, when all products are deleted from the page, Store Manager user is being automatically transferred to the previous one.
    • UI/UX improvements have been added.
    • An issue with displaying the product in Store Manager that was created via the admin has been fixed.
    • An issue with displaying checkboxes in Variant Details and Quantity tabs of variants has been eliminated.
    • An inconvenience with displaying a variant image has been amended.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win 2023.7.0.111 / Mac 2023.7.113

    July 12, 2023
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new feature and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2023.7.0.111 and for macOS 2023.7.113.
    New Feature:
    • A possibility to create new products and delete existing ones has been added.
    • Now, Store Manager allows adding media files to products from URLs.
    • From now on, it is possible to add media files such as video and 3D models to products.
    • An issue with bulk assignment of collections to products has been eliminated.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win 2023.6.0.97 / Mac 2023.6.99

    June 09, 2023
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore new feature and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2023.6.0.97 and for macOS 2023.6.99.
    • Now, Store Manager allows exporting products to .csv and .json file formats.
    • An issue with the replacement of the “!” character with the product ID in Mass Changer has been eliminated.
    • Previously, a tag that contained a space was considered by Store Manager as two separate tags. This inconvenience has been corrected.
    • An issue with replacing values of required fields via Mass Changer and Variants Bulk Editor has been fixed.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Download Store Manager for Shopify FREE 14-days Trial
    Try the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win 2023.5.0.89 / Mac 2023.5.91

    May 01, 2023
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore the improvements and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2023.5.0.89 and for macOS 2023.5.91.
    • Variants Bulk Editor has been implemented. Now, there’s a possibility to make mass changes over variants of a product.
    Improvements & Fixes:
    • ‘Remove’ option for Tags field has been added to Mass Product Changer.
    • Minor fixes and improvements have been added.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Extend Store Manager for Shopify Update Period
    Get the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Win 2023.4.0.75 / Mac 2023.4.77

    April 03, 2023
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify is already here! Explore the improvements and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version for Windows 2023.4.0.75 and for macOS 2023.4.77.
    • Mass Changer for products has been implemented in Store Manager and now there’s a possibility to make bulk edits to products.
    Improvements & Fixes:
    • The display of product tags after canceling their deletion has been fixed.
    • An issue with displaying the grid with products after changing the store in the macOS version has been eliminated.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Extend Store Manager for Shopify Update Period
    Get the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Version v.2023.01.0.67

    January 25, 2023
    A new version of Store Manager for Shopify ALPHA v.2023.01.0.67 is already here! Explore the improvements and fixes it brings to you below and download the new version.
    • Store Manager for Shopify is now available for Mac users.
    • Product mass editing has been implemented.
    • Minor fixes and improvements have been added.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Extend Store Manager for Shopify Update Period
    Get the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Version v.2022.9.0.55

    September 6, 2022
    We’re happy to present you a new version of Store Manager for Shopify ALPHA 2022.9.0.55 Explore the improvements and fixes below and download the new version.
    • You can now view Locations, their details, and address in Store Manager.
    • Assign Locations to a product, add/edit quantity for each location via Store Manager.
    • Add Country/Region of origin for a product variant via Store Manager.
    • Fixed issue with displaying product images that were added in the Shopify admin panel.
    • Fixed issue with displaying the changes that were made to a product variant in the Shopify admin panel.
    • When a value to a product is added via scroll, the buttons to confirm the changes appear.
    • Fixed issue with maximizing the window if the Scale setting is more than 100%
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Extend Store Manager for Shopify Update Period
    Get the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Version v.2022.6.0.47

    June 16, 2022
    We’re happy to present you a new version of Store Manager for Shopify ALPHA 2022.6.0.47 Explore the improvements and fixes below and download the new version.
    • Store Manager now supports editing of Shopify product data:
      • Product details (Title, Description, Product status, Vendor, Product type)
      • Product Collections
      • Media (add and remove images)
      • SEO & Tags (Page title, Meta description, URL handle, Tags)
    • Now it’s possible to edit product variants data, including:
      • Variant pricing (Price, Compare at price, Cost per item, Allow Tax)
      • Variant inventory (SKU, Barcode, Track quantity, Continue selling when out of stock)
      • Shipping (This is a physical product, Weight)
    • We’ve added a possibility to connect to a store via Admin API access token.
    • This version of Store Manager contains a number of minor bug fixes.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with possibilities and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.
    Extend Store Manager for Shopify Update Period
    Get the Latest Version With The New Functionality

    Version 2022.2.0.37

    February 9, 2022
    Great news for the Shopify store owners! Here is an updated Store Manager for Shopify ALPHA v.2022.2.0.37 Explore the improvements and fixes below and download the new version.
    • For the automatic collections a display of products filtered on conditions have been added.
    • For the manual collections, Store Manager now displays products assigned to a collection.
    • We’ve fixed an issue with the Store Manager closing upon an update.
    • An issue with the Store Manager license registration occurring after a version update has been fixed.
    • An issue with pagination in the Collections section has been eliminated.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with improvements and fixes. If you haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.

    Version 2021.12.0.29

    December 30, 2021
    Great news for the Shopify store owners! We’ve released Store Manager for Shopify ALPHA v.2021.12.0.29 Learn about the improvements and fixes from the release notes below and download the new version.
    • We’ve added a license registration window. Now, upon installing the Store Manager application users will be able to provide their license key. The license key is sent in the registration confirmation email.
    • Previews of products, variations, and collections images are now displayed in Store Manager.
    • Conditions for the automated categories are now displayed.
    • The support for the 1024*720 resolution screens has been added.
    • Product tags are now displayed correctly.
    • Fixed issue when after maximizing the Store Manager window, and then collapsing and expanding it, the minimize window option wouldn’t work.
    • Fixed the display of variant’s prices.
    Update Store Manager to the latest version with improvements and fixes. If haven’t got Store Manager for Shopify yet and want to explore it, download a free trial version here.